Ryan Bemowski

| Data Scientist |
| Data Engineer |
| Software Designer |
| Software Engineer |


Personal Projects

Personal Projects

- Present

Projects which I've accomplished or are working on in my free time. These tend to be related to interests of mine.

Associated Projects:


Hadoop and Spark server cluster


To become more familiar with distributed compute technologies, such as Hadoop and Spark, I decided a hands on approach was best. I discovered that Raspberry Pi computers were powerful enough to manage the task of running Hadoop and Spark. From there I purchased a few required resources and got started.


Shiny Formula 1 Analysis Dashboard (WIP)


Using R and Shiny, I have created and continue to work on a dashboard which allows some exploratory analysis of Formula 1 race data. In addition to the dashboard, I set up and manage the Shiny Server which it and all of my shiny projects run on. This is a work in progress (WIP).


Portfolio Website


This website is a custom built Python flask application utilizing a mongodb database. The flask application serves most pages using templates which are built dynamically using information stored in the database.