Ryan Bemowski

| Data Scientist |
| Data Engineer |
| Software Designer |
| Software Engineer |


Shiny Formula 1 Analysis Dashboard (WIP)

Shiny Formula 1 Analysis Dashboard (WIP)

Using R and Shiny, I have created and continue to work on a dashboard which allows some exploratory analysis of Formula 1 race data. In addition to the dashboard, I set up and manage the Shiny Server which it and all of my shiny projects run on. This is a work in progress (WIP).

In Formula 1, like many motor sports, the margins between winning and losing are razor thin. Teams must collect as much data as possible and perform analysis using whatever data they are able to gather to give them any edge against the competition. With that in mind, I found a python library called fastf1 which has collected and continues to collect and consolidate Formula 1 data. Using Python to pull, clean, and export data to be consumed by the R shiny application. Plots are created with the plotly package, allowing for additional exploratory features though interactivity and filtering via the legend. This project uses live external data. It currently takes a fair amount of time to load and may timeout or not work due to changing source data types. Future updates plan to improve speed and robustness.
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